Jiří Vykoukal’s main areas of interest lie in the Central European countries (especially Poland, Hungary and Slovakia) and their relations with Russia and the Post-Soviet countries. Moreover he deals with the modern historiography.
Charles University in Prague, Modern History, Associated Professor (Doc.), 2002
Charles University in Prague, Modern History, Ph.D., 1994
Charles University in Prague, Modern History, M.A., 1985
(2003 -) |
Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University Director |
(1997 - 2003) |
Department of Russian and East European Studies Head of the Department |
(1993 - 1997) |
Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences Research Fellow |
(1986 - 1993) |
Institute of History of Central and Eastern Europe of the Czech Academy of Sciences Research Fellow |
Charles University Rector´s Award for the best academic book in social sciences and humanities, 2001
VYKOUKAL, Jiří a LITERA, Bohuslav a TEJCHMAN, Miroslav. Východ: Vznik, vývoj a rozpad sovětského bloku 1944-1989. Praha: Libri, 2000. 860 s. (2nd edition 2017)
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
project: Dnešní evropská krajina výzkumu soudobých dějin (Current Landscape of European Contemporary History)
participant, 2010-2012
Centrum pro výzkum kolektivní paměti (Centre for the Research of Collective Memory), university research project UNCE
main coordinator, 2012-2017
PRVOUK P17 – university research project: Vědy o společnosti, politice a médiích ve výzvách doby (Sciences of Society, Politics, and Media under the Challenge of the Times)
main research coordinator at the Institute of International Studies, 2012-2016
PROGRES Q 18 – university research project: Společenské vědy: od víceoborovosti k mezioborovosti (Social Sciences: From Multidisciplinarity to Interdisciplinarity)
main research coordinator at the Institute of International Studies, 2017
Horizon 2020, European Training Networks, Delayed Transformational Fatigue in Central and Eastern Europe
partner, 2017-2020
short (2-4 weeks) research and teaching stays - universities in Germany (Berlin, Marburg), Poland (Warsaw, Cracow, Poznań, Wrocław), United Kingdom (University College London)
since 1992
Visiting Professor at Lawrence University (USA)
"System versus History: Mechanics of Attempted Revisions in Polish Historiography after 1944", 7th European Society for the History of Science Conference. Symposium To Learn and "Correctly" Understand: Popularization of Science in Central Europe 1944-1989. Prague, September 2016
Workshop on Training on Internationalization for the top University Management of universities in Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, and Ukraine. Visegrad Fund, Tbilisi, April 2016, panel expert.
Europe 25 Years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Munk School of Global Affairs, Centre for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, University of Toronto, 21 November 2014. Discussant
Nineteenth Congress of Polish Historians. Szczecin, 17th-21th September 2014. Panel: 25 years after the Spring of Nations in Central Europe 1989-2014
"1975 Helsinki Conference and Concepts of Central Europe", Second International Congress of Polish History. Krakow, 13th-15th September 2012
1990- :editorial boards of Slovanský přehled (The Slavonic Review) - member;
1990-91: secretary of the Czechoslovak-Polish History Commission;
2001-2005: secretary of the Czech-Polish Commission for Humanities at the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic; 2003-2015: member of the board of the Faculty of Social Sciences;
2003-2013: editorial board of the journal Český časopis historický (Czech Historical Review);
2004- editorial board of the journal Soudobé dějiny (Contemporary History);
2007-2013: Charles University Grant Agency, section history-ethnology (reporter);
2007-2017: member of Czech National Committee for History;
2007-2011: member of the board of the Institute of Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences;
2011- : board of trustees, Institute of Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences; 2012- : head of the Center for the Research of Collective Memory at the Faculty of Social Sciences;
2016- : member of the Internal Evaluation Board of Charles University
VYKOUKAL, Jiří a kol., Visegrád. Možnosti a meze středoevropské spolupráce. Praha: Dokořán 2000. 405 s.
VYKOUKAL, Jiří. Kernschmelze oder Kernspaltung? Mitteleuropakonzepte und regionale Integration. Osteuropa, 2006, R. 56, č. 10, s. 15-26. (if 0,186)
VYKOUKAL, Jiří a LITERA, Bohuslav a TEJCHMAN, Miroslav. Východ: Vznik, vývoj a rozpad sovětského bloku 1944-1989. Praha: Libri, 2017 (2nd edition)
VYKOUKAL, Jiří, Židé ve středovýchodní Evropě. In: Návraty. Poválečná rekonstrukce židovských komunit v zemích středovýchodní, jihovýchodní a východní Evropy. Eds. Kateřina Králová a Hana Kubátová. Praha, Nakladatelství Karolinum 2016, s. 43-64.
VYKOUKAL,Jiří. Německý historický ústav ve Varšavě . In: Jiří Pešek, Lucie Filipová, Věda a politika. Německé společenskovědní ústavy v zahraničí (1880-2010). Praha, Karolinum 2013, s. 171-207
VYKOUKAL, Jiří. Soudobé dějiny v Polsku. In: Jiří Pešek a kol. Napříč kontinentem soudobých dějin. Evropská historiografie po konci studené války. Praha, Argo 2013, s. 215-266.